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The Basic Teaching Department actively connects with other departments to jointly explore the talent curriculum mode, timely changes the concept, renews ideas, explores and implements the comprehensive management means and measures, as well as builds a diversified and three-dimensional management structure, effectively integrating the basic teaching work with the professional courses so as to better achieve the goal of talent cultivation. Combined with the current characteristics of vocational undergraduate eduܫcation and the actual situation of the Basic Teaching Department, department faculty actively carry out enterprise practice, and explore the dual circulation training mode in ge𝓡neral basic courses, so as to serve the professional training objectives and lay the foundation for the study of professional courses.

Taking quality education as center, grasping the teaching routine and paying attention to the actual effect of teaching, the whole department strives to achieve the goal of cultivating high-level technical and skilled talents who can adapt to the development of the times and the social needs, and comprehensively develop their morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor, and comprehensively improves the teaching and scientific research level of department teachers, and integrating personnel training, and educational scientific research with social service. Meanwhile, the accumulation of knowledge can promote the ability of teaching and scientific research, creating a good team atmosphere.

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