
当前位置: bob综合娱乐官方  高职  思想政治教研室


思政教学研究室目前有专业高中教师6人,承受着中职学校、高♛职高专全部职业 品德教育课及党的发展历史、音乐艺术等服务性辅修课的课堂任務。6名民办教师全部都都具有本科学历,这里面5人因培训师,1因人讲师。就年领形式,系统室40—49岁2人,30—39岁4人,30岁下1人,也是个充斥着增强活力✃、持续不断的行进的全体。



The Introduction to the Ideological and Political Education Research Office


The Ideological and Political Education Research Office currently has six full-time teachers who are responsible for teaching moral education courses for all majors in secondary vocational and higher vocational education, as well as public elective courses such as Party history and art. All six teachers have master's degrees, including five lecturers and one teaching assistant. In terms of age structure, there are two teachers aged between 40 and 49, four teachers aged between 30 and 39, and one teacher under the age of 30. It is a vibrant and progressive team.


In addition to their heavy workload, the teachers in the research office strive to improve their own cultivation and enhance their professional competence. They actively participate in various teaching competitions at the national and municipal levels, and the teaching team has won awards multiple times. In 2019, they won the Municipal Special Award, in 2020, they won the National Second Prize, in 2021, they won the Municipal First Prize, and in 2022, they won the Municipal Second Prize. The teachers also actively improve their research capabilities. Since 2012, they have published over 50 articles in Chinese journals and three articles in English journals. They have undertaken more ♏than 20 teaching and research projects at the institute, school, and municipal♑ levels, demonstrating an improved level of teaching and research.

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