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各研ﷺ修室做好相结合很多企业现代信息技术培训研究技术来什么是创新培训研究的模式,习惯新局势下中档职业化分析育儿培育教研和高的职业化分析育儿培育教研混合式化提高了的育儿培育教研标准,实行团队教研设计、说课、信息公开课视频、技术新技能大赛等模式,从促成的培训研究个人目标、培训研究过程中 与方式 、培训研究功能等上为切入点,新一轮提高了幼儿教师靠谱技术道德素质。


Based on the fundamental task of cultivating talents with morality, the Basic T🦂eaching Department is active in setting up courses and laying a solid cultural foundation for all the students who thereby have access to general knowledge, humanistic quality and scientific spirit; Due to the comprehensive curriculum,this department succeeds in training the students with the abilities to make self-development,fulfill responsibilities and initiate innovations in the respective stages of ideological and moral education,cultural knowledge education as well as social practice education wholly directed by its fundamental task.

Each teaching and research section makes full use of a variety of information-based teaching methods to innovate teaching modes to adapt to the education system of integrating secondary vocational education with higher vocational education under the new situation by adopting forms of collective lesson preparations, lesson presentations, open classes, skill competitions, etc. and focusing on such aspects as teaching objectives, teaching processes and methods, teaching effect, etc., in order to comprehensively improve teachers' quality of professional skills.

In recent years, the Basic Teaching Department has vigorously promoted the construction of curriculum ideology and politics. Combined with general secretary Xi Jinping's important discussion on moral cultivation and the work of three all-round education, we have been promoting the construction of curriculum ideology and politics. In the course of education, we melt the elements of moral education into class teaching, so as to comprehensively improve teachers' awareness of moral education ability of moral education, experience and accomplishment. So that we can enhance the effectiveness of ideology as well as ideological and political work in the new era, and contribute to the development of our institute.


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